The most important reason why Metatrader trading platforms are so popular in the world is that they have the ability to appeal to all investors, from amateur users to professionals.
You can instantly buy and sell more than 100 financial products such as Currency Pairs, Stock Indices, Precious Metals and Commodities on a single platform.
You can perform high-level technical analysis in 21 different time frames, with hundreds of technical indicators and advanced drawing tools, and do all your technical work via your saveable templates. Up to 100 charts can be opened on the platform to enable monitoring of all necessary financial instruments
You can view your account statement as a report at any time interval you want and instantly track your portfolio risks arising from your current open orders.
Fundamental analysis tools such as financial news and economic calendar can also be used to predict the price dynamics of financial instruments in MetaTrader 5. You can analyze various economic indicators, read news reports from international news agencies and try to predict their impact on currency pairs.
SFM Global Limited is a brand name of SFM(St.Lucia).
SFM Global incorparated in the Saint Lucia with the registration number 2023-00673.
SFM Global doesn't work with clients from Turkey, USA, OFAC sanctioned and FATF blacklisted countries.